Products 4 Life - SEO

We can help you to become number 1
we know how to SEO your site so you can expand your web presence.

Asisbiz global ranking taken in Dec 2023
Asisbiz global ranking taken in December 2023

We have been quietly working on SEO since 2006. We mainly focused on our own needs, and previouly only worked with a few selected clients.

People would often ask;
If you're so good at SEO show me!
What position is your site?
How many key words are you number one on!

Well you can check, currently our site, has a global ranking of around 464,189 according to ‘similarweb’. Before was bought and shut down checking your websites global ranking was easy and free. We used to have a global ranking of 160,000 so figures can vary a lot these days. Keep in mind; we don't pay for adds, we don’t sell anything other than a book, yet we have over 240K page views every month.

Its also not just about websites, Videos are becoming super important if you want to be found or need to feature your products.

Since COVID online business has boomed and if you need help in expanding your online presence we can help.

Depending on your needs we will help you find the right way for your business to be found. Previously the golden rule for shops and stores was always Location, Location, Location, these days it’s all about Traffic and links, Traffic and links, Traffic and links.

Many companies these days spend lots of money hiring people to run Add Campaigns which can cost lots of money and my not always work.

Search engines haven’t become Billion-dollar companies by being nice, despite what you may think. Many search engines can't garantee that you may appear even though your paying for a keyword. If you have good SEO and are well linked you will often fair better in the long run. Basically we can assist you to build a web presence, that doesn’t involve paying unnecessary fees to search engines.

Many people still remember the court action taken against Google when they lost their case against click fraud:

Google's $90m payout over click fraud has been approved by a US court. Some opponents had claimed that the figure was not high enough to cover losses, but an Arkansas judge has thrown the objection out. Google will have to pay claimants $4.50 for every $1,000 of advertising they booked with the company 31 July 2006.

So if you would like a more practical way to grow your business online, or if you need Apps or specialized software such as database systems so your business can function more efficiently I’ll be more than happy to work with you in finding solutions.

Please email me so we can arrange a time to discuss your needs and requirements

  Products 4 Life - Australian Business No. ABN: 36365502637

Matthew Laird Acred


Mobile: +61478125747 (Australia)

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We hope you love our website


This webpage was updated 22nd March 2024
